Friday, December 28, 2012

White Christmas

We just experienced our first White Christmas! Snow started falling a couple of days before Christmas and it has been lightly snowing ever since.  Having lived most of our lives in California, it was really nice to have a White Christmas. 

Here in Post Falls, I have noticed a sense of community and an abundance of holiday spirit.  Homes are beautifully decorated and everyone is eager to wish each other a Merry Christmas.  It is a very charitable community and many organizations and volunteers have made sure that those less fortunate are not forgotten. 

This year, I feel fortunate to be here in North Idaho, where life moves at a much slower speed and there is time to enjoy the little things in life like...

Bonzo at Play

Neighborhood Kids at Play

Heidi & Mike at Play (Christmas Eve)





Thursday, December 20, 2012

First Big Snow

Last night brought several inches of snow and a blanket of beautiful white fluff everywhere.  Since Cooper, Bonzo, and Daisy have such short legs, it was quite a sight to see them running in the snow.  Here is a little look at Bonzo as he runs through the yard.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did !

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December Birthday Celebrations

December is a special month for all of us with holiday traditions and celebrations but for us, it is made even more special with three birthday celebrations.
All our doggies have birthdays in December!  Happy Birthday Cooper, Bonzo & Daisy!

Cooper~ December 19 (9 years old)

Bonzo ~ December 15 (8 years old)

Daisy ~ December 18 (6 years)