Saturday, June 13, 2015

"I'm Back"

It has been quite some time since my last post.  Work has definitely gotten in the way of my writing.  Yes, since my last post I started a new job which you know can be all consuming.  Although not necessary, I do feel a desire to share a few of the highlights from the past couple of years.

Life in the "Gem State" has been great.  We continue to explore the beautiful outdoors in North Idaho and our neighboring states of Washington and Montana.  We have participated in a few local events as well.  I did some traveling to places that I had never been before...Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Seattle. 

We bought a home here in Post Falls last Spring in a beautiful wooded neighborhood.  The first weekend that we moved in, we were welcomed by our neighbors with delicious homemade baked goods.  We just started our first remodeling project, new flooring throughout the house. With three dogs, abundant nature outdoors, and actual weather, we opted for vinyl planks that look like real wood.

I recently completed the continuing education courses to renew my California Real Estate License so that I could continue as a First Team Referral Agent.  I also took the Idaho Real Estate Exam and am now licensed in the state of Idaho.  This is in addition to my full-time job in customer service.  

 I am excited to be writing again.

Friday, December 28, 2012

White Christmas

We just experienced our first White Christmas! Snow started falling a couple of days before Christmas and it has been lightly snowing ever since.  Having lived most of our lives in California, it was really nice to have a White Christmas. 

Here in Post Falls, I have noticed a sense of community and an abundance of holiday spirit.  Homes are beautifully decorated and everyone is eager to wish each other a Merry Christmas.  It is a very charitable community and many organizations and volunteers have made sure that those less fortunate are not forgotten. 

This year, I feel fortunate to be here in North Idaho, where life moves at a much slower speed and there is time to enjoy the little things in life like...

Bonzo at Play

Neighborhood Kids at Play

Heidi & Mike at Play (Christmas Eve)





Thursday, December 20, 2012

First Big Snow

Last night brought several inches of snow and a blanket of beautiful white fluff everywhere.  Since Cooper, Bonzo, and Daisy have such short legs, it was quite a sight to see them running in the snow.  Here is a little look at Bonzo as he runs through the yard.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did !

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December Birthday Celebrations

December is a special month for all of us with holiday traditions and celebrations but for us, it is made even more special with three birthday celebrations.
All our doggies have birthdays in December!  Happy Birthday Cooper, Bonzo & Daisy!

Cooper~ December 19 (9 years old)

Bonzo ~ December 15 (8 years old)

Daisy ~ December 18 (6 years)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I never thought much about mushrooms before I moved to North Idaho.  Of course I love button, shitake or portobello mushrooms used in recipes but it is the wild species that I am referring to here. 

I have observed that after a few days of rain, mushrooms seem to pop up everywhere.  There are many varieties and I have photographed a few to post . 

At first I pulled them up and immediately discarded them until the day that I noticed a squirrel munching on one. Then I got it!  Mushrooms are great treats for squirrels!  So now when I see one popping up, I leave it for the squirrels to fest on and hope that I have my camera handy when they do.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Rain and Music

We had cool dry weather for Thanksgiving Day.  We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, ate yummy turkey, and enjoy a quiet holiday at home.

Friday brought heavy rain at times. It was Black Friday and for the first time in four years, I wasn't working.  It was nice but also a bit strange not to be part of the hustle and bustle, signifying the start of the holiday season.

On Friday night, we headed up to Sandpoint for Mike's gig with the Nefftones at Eichardt's, a really cool bar/bistro.  It takes about one hour to get to there and  we had to drive on some pretty dark two lane roads and bridges.  It was raining really hard and it was a bit scary so as we approched town, we were happy to see the lights of Sandpoint.

Inside Eichardt's it felt like being a mountain resort.  Everyone was dressed in true winter garb...hats, gloves, etc.  The food was delicious and the music was great!  When we left, it was around midnight and I was able to get a photo of the sidewalk outside with the rain and the holiday lights.  It looks a bit magical...don't you think?

"The Nefftones ~ Steve, Mike & Robbie"


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Snow

The snow has melted and we are back to "cold and wet."  For four days, the ground, trees, and structures were covered in beautiful white fluffy snow.  I know that this was just the beginning of many snow days to come but I already miss the beauty of it.  It was like being inside a snow globe! 

Before it was gone, I managed to take a few more photos. Here are a few of my favorites.

Snow Lightly Dusting the Trees

Snow Covered Birdhouse

Kids and Snow


Another Photo of Daisy (I couldn't resist)