Friday, November 2, 2012

Trick or Treat

I am not sure if it was a trick for my doggies or a treat for the squirrels, but I got this crazy idea  to sprinkle peanuts on my front lawn on Halloween day.  As you may recall from a previous blog post, my dogs have been enjoying the sport of squirrel hunting since we arrived here in Idaho.  They spend their days attentively looking out the front window or running around chasing them in the backyard. 

Since they couldn't reach the little critters in the front yard, I'm thinking that it was definitely a trick on the doggies.  At one point, word must have gotten out among the squirrel community because our lawn became the center of much activity. 

So while the dogs barked incessantly at the window, I was able get some great photos of the little guys as they munched on their treats. Well...that's pretty much how we celebrated Halloween at our house!




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